With all the environmental destruction that has been happening in every part of the world, everybody has become aware of how harmful the CFCs are in the earth’s ozone layer. Little by little it is wreaking havoc in our atmosphere and the future generations will be paying a high price for what the past generations have done to the environment.
The sad thing is that scientists say that for every 1% drop in the ozone layer means a 2% increase in the UV-B, the kind of ultraviolet radiation that poses the greatest risk for living things on earth. Too much exposure to UV-B rays will dramatically decrease crops production and kill off the lowest organisms in the marine food chain. This is not only limited to the marine life because everybody and everything on earth is interdependent. If it affects the other living things on earth, this destruction will create a domino effect until it affects the human beings directly.
Good thing that things are changing nowadays as CO2 is being used as a refrigerent. It is believed that CO2 will greatly improve the energy efficiency for refrigerators, air conditioners and chillers. This is not only good for the refrigeration industry but most especially for the environment as well. A win-win situation however way you look at it – until they find the next best thing.