EC Motors And Fan Controls Save Big Money
Northeast Cooling has been upgrading commercial refrigeration systems in Chicago for many years now through various energy efficiency programs. One of the best energy saving refrigeration retrofits is to change from old style shaded pole motors to high efficiency two speed electronically commutated motors (EC Motors) & fan speed controls. This is especially true when changing evaporator fan motors in coolers & freezers. These fans run twenty four hours a day. New style EC motors are over 60% more efficient than old style motors at high speed & in low speed mode they are over 90% more efficient! The end result after this efficiency upgrade is that the new evaporator fans save over 60% on electricity half the time & over 90% during compressor off cycles. The energy saving refrigeration products Northeast Cooling uses are manufactured by Greenwize Energy Solutions. One of their Fan Controls is pictured below (click image for better detail).

Energy Saving Refrigeration Made Easy
This Model FC fan control is powered by line voltage off the cooler or freezer evaporator coil circuit. The part comes with two temperature sensors (pictured above). The sensors monitor return & supply air of coil to determine when compressor is off. When cooling is detected the EC motors run at full speed. When no cooling is detected the fan speed control sends a signal to motors in coil triggering low speed. When the motors are in low speed they are well over 90% more efficient than older shaded pole style motors. When considering the fact that walk in cooler & freezer evaporator fan motors run twenty four hours a day, it makes sense to upgrade to the highest efficiency possible.
Northeast Cooling works with Crown Commercial Lighting to help provide small businesses with free lighting & refrigeration energy assessments. Simply fill out Crown’s Energy Assessment Request Form & start saving money on lighting & refrigeration expenses.