Conserve Energy By Controlling Evaporator Fan Motor Speed On Commercial Refrigeration Walk In Cooler & Walk In Freezer Evaporator Coils

Save money and electrical consumption on your Walk In Coolers & Walk In Freezers with the Refrigeration Evaporator Fan Controller by Functional Devices Inc. This is crucial, especially when you consider Commercial Refrigeration accounts for at least 20% of electrical consumption worldwide!
The process is simple: When the supply air from the Evaporator Coil is equal to return air, fan speed is decreased. When the supply air from the evaporator coil is colder than return air, fan speed is increased. The major benefits to installing this Controller are drastically reduced energy consumption and less heat generated into the conditioned space. This results in longer refrigeration off cycles & increased energy savings. Most Evaporator Fan Motors run 24 hours a day, so optimizing operation can achieve signifigant savings. The controller comes in two models: The EFC4045T can control both Shaded Pole Motors & ECM Motors; Model EFCECM1T is designed for use with ECM Motors only.
I’ve compiled a short list of the specifications & features of the Evaporator Fan Controller. For more information including a calculation of energy savings, money savings calculator, installation instructions & data sheet downloads see the manufacturer’s website.
- Simple Installation
- For use With Walk In Coolers & Freezers
- When Compressor Is Off Evaporator Fan Speed Is Automatically Reduced
- Compatible with 120, 208 & 240 Volt Circuits
- Compatible With ECM Motors & Shaded Pole Motors
- Heat Load In Conditioned Space Is Reduced & The Result Is Longer Off Cycles & Increased Energy Savings
Northeast Cooling LLC specializes in Commercial Refrigeration Energy Conservation & Refrigerant Retrofit in Lake County Illinois & the Chicago area. Please contact us with any questions regarding the installation of an Evaporator Fan Controller, energy savings or any other refrigeration concerns. Call us at 847.409.3332 or contact us by email.
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