What is SEER Ratings and Why Does It Matter

SEER stands for “Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. This is the way you can size up the energy efficiency of the air conditioning system. SEER ratings permit consumers to compare operating costs of various cooling systems and products.

The higher your air conditioning’s  SEER rating, the better it is because it simply means that your air conditioning system is very efficient which will translate to big savings as it doesn’t need so much energy to cool your place down. Unfortunately the older your air conditioning system is, the lower its SEER rating is.  Normally, a good air conditioning system would give you a SEER rating of 10 but an older system will give you somewhere around half the rating of the newer system.

It would be best to see your place’s air conditioning system as well. Check out for air leakage, duct system and have your system checked for routine maintenance and other factors that would lead to over taxing your system.

Aside from money you are going to save by having a higher SEER rating, you are also helping save the environment from further decline.  The simple equation is that the lesser energy your air conditioning system requires to operate efficiently the lesser the greenhouse gases it emits.  So having  a SEER rating of at least 10 is a win-win situation for you.

If you own an older air conditioning system that does not reach a SEER rating of at least 10, then consider buying a newer model.  You can easily have 15-17 SEER with the new models.  Again, higher SEER = bigger money saved and environmentally friendly as well.