Northeast Cooling Is Hosting Chicago Industry Night!

Of course our business is commercial refrigeration and cooler repair, maintenance, and sales supporting all areas around Chicago…but one of our passions is connecting with and facilitating opportunities for others to connect with fantastic people.  So, while our days are packed servicing customers, we try and fill a few free nights with hosting and sponsoring events around Chicago.  We’re thrilled that our next event has arrived!

Northeast Cooling, LLC is proud to announce that the next event we’re sponsoring is in honor of all the hard working industry people in and around Chicago.  We’re planning a fun dinner, a night of great networking, and fantastic food at Calo Restaurant in the Andersonville neighborhood.

Industry & hospitality workers are encouraged to come and network with other great Chicagoans in their field.  Of course, also welcome are the many friends of Northeast Cooling.

The event will be held on November fourth at 8 P.M. We hope to see you there.  We’ll be providing delicious appetizers and dinner.  A cash bar will be available as well.  Please visit the invite link to register for event.

As of the time this post goes live, we’ve already got a nice sized crowd who have already R.S.V.P.’d.  We would love for you to join us as well!  Feel free to help spread the word of our industry night tweetup.

For those following us on Twitter, you can track the event details using the #ChicagoIndustryNight hashtag.


Calo Restaurant is located at:

Calo Ristorante
5343 N Clark St
Chicago IL
(773) 271-7725

We really hope to see you there.  It’s always so fun to visit with our many friends we’ve met via social media channels and throughout our work.  Thanks again!

For other tips on how your restaurant can save energy and money, be sure to follow Refrigeration on   Twitter, and Fan Northeast Cooling on Facebook.