Northeast Cooling Is Hosting Chicago Industry Night!

Of course our business is commercial refrigeration and cooler repair, maintenance, and sales supporting all areas around Chicago…but one of our passions is connecting with and facilitating opportunities for others to connect with fantastic people.  So, while our days are packed servicing customers, we try and fill a few free nights with hosting and sponsoring…
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Northeast Cooling was featured in Crains Chicago!

Northeast Cooling was featured in Crain’s Chicago Business Journal! We’ve hoped that you have noticed our efforts online.  As a Chicago commercial refrigeration service, repair, and sales company…Northeast Cooling has tried to reach our customers and potential customers in a nontraditional way.  We’ve completely immersed our business in social media networks like Twitter and Facebook,…
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Manitowoc Foodservice Earns Energy Star Partner Of The Year 2010

Our Vendor, Manitowoc Foodservice, Earns Energy Star Partner Of The Year! As a Chicago commercial refrigeration and ice machine service, repair, and sales company…finding the very best vendors is a must.  We pride ourselves on being able to offer restaurants around the Chicago area with the absolute best commercial refrigeration parts and equipment available. In…
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A+ Accreditation from the Better Business Bureau

Northeast Cooling LLC has received A+ accreditation from the Better Business Bureau. Now potential customers looking for commercial refrigeration repair in Illinois can find us listed in good standing with the BBB. We are very pleased to offer our clients this option to check out our status with the BBB. Northeast cooling LLC offers expert…
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Raley’s Supermarket Gets the GreenChill Gold Certification Again

Congratulations are in order for Raley’s Supermarket as they have been awarded with a GreenChill gold-level award for being the latest supermarket who went green in their refrigeration technology. The GreenChill Gold certification is given by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to honor the members of the supermarket industry who are keen in promoting green…
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